Bullies / abusers come in all shape & sizes.
Just because someone is different to you - if you can't appreciate their differences - leave them alone.
Just because something is not going your way - don't spoil it for other people.
If you see someone being bullied / abused please speak up for them.
If you are being bullied /abused go to someone who can help you.
You DO NOT have to take bullying /abuse of any kind... it should not be tolerated.
Please do not be afraid to speak out... protect yourself and others who can't.
If you are being bullied /abused on social media... screenshot the abuse... block or unfriend the bullies... report it.
For whoever needs to hear this today -
Tell you :-
You're stupid
You're ugly
You're thick
You will never amount to anything
Everyone hates you
No one loves you
Don't look at me your not worthy
How dare they abuse you mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually as a child, as an adolescent, as an adult.
How dare they rob you of your self worth, your identity
How dare they try to destroy everything you have worked for with their bullying, mean words & abuse.
Believe what they say even for one second?
Not believe in you
Sell yourself short because of other's jealousies & insecurities
Explain yourself to others
Not see your own potential?
Not see what a kind, caring, compassionate and beautiful person you are?
To follow your dreams, your path, your passion, your purpose
To be you! The authentic you!
To love yourself for all you are the good & the not so good! Your compassion, your empathy, your honesty, your integrity.
Life is too short and you only have one life.
Who are you going to live it for?
Others? Or yourself and what you can do to help others?
Be brave, take a leap of faith....on the other side of fear is a life of opportunity, love & happiness.
Go and grab it!
Every child / adult has a right not to be bullied/abused.
We are all different and many of us were or are being bullied/abused at home...
we don't need it at school or work as well.
If you cannot be nice to someone then just leave them be.
If your 'friends' are picking on someone then tell them its not right.
No one knows what someone is going through at home or at school.
Life can be hard so why make it more so?
Be responsible for yourself and your actions. Be more mindful of what that person who is different to you may be going through.
Different does not mean bully them.
Smiling at someone does not cost you anything.
Smile at someone today..... Go on, I dare you to be different! :0)
Chris Tuck