Chris Tuck

Chris Tuck
Change Agent
Chris is an active campaigner, speaker and media commentator working to raise the profile of childhood abuse in the UK and the need for legislative and societal change, regularly appearing on TV and in the national broadcast and print media. Chris raises awareness of the effects of child abuse and growing up in 3 domestic violent households; she shares the complex trauma impact that this has on the individual's mental, emotional and physical health.
Chris is a qualified Trauma Informed Health & Fitness Practitioner and today she supports others in their own healing through a holistic psycho-educational programme called the Breaking the Cycle™ C.L.E.A.N.E.R™ Living Therapy programme which encompasses mindset, nutrition, fitness & stress management. Chris works both individually, and in safe, small group environments helping survivors of adversity to ‘break the cycle’ of low self-esteem and limiting behaviours.
Chris is a published author of ‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ which documents her own lived experiences and that of her siblings growing up in three abusive home environments. Written to inspire other survivors all the profits of the book sales are re-invested in her own charity, Survivors of Abuse (S.O.B) established to raise awareness, to provide help and support through workshops, conferences and seminars. She has also written ‘Parenting Without Tears’ a guide to help survivors of childhood abuse face the challenges they face as parents; and the C.L.E.A.N.E.R.™ Living Health and Wellness Therapy book which empowers victims and survivors to recover through holistic means.
In July 2015, Chris accepted the role as a member of the VSCP (Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel) to the Government’s Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, IICSA. This Panel was central to the Inquiry’s work and assisted it in all aspects of its work. This position took Chris around England and Wales, engaging with stakeholders and survivors, speaking at events, conferences, and appearing on TV and radio.
Within her role, Chris acted as a specialist consultant to the Government Inquiry in its remit to investigate institutional failures into child sexual abuse. Her role ensures that the voices of victims and survivors from all ethnicities, cultures, backgrounds and socioeconomic groups are heard and understood.
Chris’s lived experiences and professional work with the Inquiry and outside of the Inquiry has reinforced her understanding that traumatised children, young people and adults can struggle to engage fully with all services & institutions. There is a lack of understanding of the complex dynamics and needs of an individual who has been abused and suffered trauma as a result; this needs to change.